Monday, June 8, 2009

New SSD disk

I just got one new SSD disk MTRON MOBI 3000 for my Dell Latitude D430 notebook. It's very small, only 32GB, but it definitely ROCKS!!! I can boot in about 12 seconds, without any deep tuning of the kernel and boot services, but the _responsiveness_ is the most relevant thing, apart the read/write 100MB/s throughput (that is not so important for a desktop system). The impressive part is the ~5500 iops (IO operations per second) obtained using a workload of 4KB random reads/writes!


  1. I just did this yesterday, it's been a long overdue upgrade. It's a great SSD but it has the stuttering problem that many older SSDs of yore with unoptimized controllers do. I am a bit disappointed since I paid dearly for it. Have you experienced this phenomenon with the Mobi 3000? It would be best described as freezing for a few seconds in the app that is in the foreground. The background tasks remain responsive, more or less. This isn't terrible (since the worst cases make the entire PC unresponsive), but it is very annoying.

  2. p.s. I am running Vista :) I should try Win7 to see if the problem persists.
